Can a small, local firewood company be climate-neutral and price-competitive at the same time?
When we started this company, our children urged us to do things differently: we wanted to have top quality firewood at the best possible price. But we also wanted that the impact of our firewood and its production and distribution is entirely climate neutral.
So we did a lot of research and talking with local non-profits, such as Sustainable Surf in Manhattan Beach, and Eden Reforestation Project in Glendora. We then sat down and calculated with CO2-accountants what it would take for our firewood to be carbon- and climate-neutral.
We are very proud to say that we are:
- The first firewood or fuel company in the US to achieve climate neutrality (to our knowledge).
- As a by-product we made our operation so efficient, that we can also offer a price guarantee like no other in Greater Los Angeles.
The Zero-Carbon Targets:
We set out to compensate for all major sources of CO2 in the lifecycle of firewood:
- The faster release of CO2 when the wood is burnt in a fireplace instead of slowly decomposing in a landfill.
- The fossil fuel burnt for the transport of firewood to and from our costumers and the commute of our employees to work.
In total, every 1 cord of firewood that Rancho La Casa produced, transported and sold (and our customers presumably burnt) requires 1.1 tons of offsets.
After careful consideration we have decided to work together with the organizations below for projects that seemed to be most relevant to us.
We understand that our contribution to becoming "ocean positive" or carbon-neutral (or in our case, actually carbon-positive) is only a small drop in an ocean of carbon-emissions. But we are hoping that we can motivate other local companies to try the same.
Most importantly, we hope that you see a value in this undertaking: if you think that our plan of providing top quality firewood in a sustainable manner at a great price is a good one, then please forward the link to our store to your friends. Every cord that we sell replaces a cord that does not compensate for its carbon-effects. Our carbon-neutral firewood might even replace some gas heating and therefore generate an even higher CO2-benefit for the world!
Over the next few years we together will make a meaningful contribution to our local and global community so that future generations will also be able to enjoy our fantastic Southern Californian lifestyle.
Compensating for Our Impact (for every cord sold)
2 SeaTree Tokens from Sustainable Surf
We purchase 2 "SeaTrees Tokens" from this Manhattan Beach based non-profit for every cord of firewood we are selling.
This will buy 2 tons of carbon credits from an accredited REED ridge-to-reef project in Cambodia, managed (among others) by the Wildlife Alliance.2 tons of carbon credits for each cord of wood compensate fully for the faster release of CO2 that is incurred when burning instead of letting decompose the wood.
Planting of 100+ Mangroves
We also invest in planting more than 100 mangroves for every cord of firewood sold.
Mangroves are among the most important trees for CO2-sequestration and renaturalization of important coastal regions around the world.
The planting is being managed by Eden Reforestation Project, located in Glendora and one of the world's most successful tree planting non-profits.
The mangroves compensate for the CO2 that is not sequestered in their lifetime by the trees that we use as our firewood and also for all fossil fuel activities in our company such as transportation.
Restoring kelp off the coast of Palos Verdes
Every cord of firewood sold at Rancho La Casa Firewood will also support the replanting of the kelp forest off the coast of Palos Verdes, right here in Southern California.
While the CO2-impact of kelp is difficult to calculate, it is substantial. We take great pride in helping to restore this uniquely important, local ecosystem.
SeaTrees directly supports communities and scientists who protect and regenerate blue-carbon coastal ecosystems.
Eden empowers communities around the world to plant & protect millions of trees.
Wildlife Alliance is an international non-profit forest and wildlife conservation organization with current programs in Cambodia.