LA's Only Carbon-Neutral Firewood
Top quality firewood from sustainable, local sources, right here in our home in Southern California. We guarantee our low prices!* Get complimentary delivery within the same day!* The only carbon-neutral firewood in the US! (*some restrictions apply)

If you don't know what to buy, go for this hard- and softwood mix. You have the best of both worlds: easy starting and great heat!

One of the world's most successful trees and forever one of the best as firewood!
Not always available in great quantities.

The hardwood originally from Australia but now truly Southern Californian!
All-around a fantastic firewood.

A selection of all-local hardwoods with very high BTU heat values! Works especially well for fireplaces with gas starters.
Entirely Local
Why is local good?All our woods are from within 20 miles around your house.
Best Price Always
What are the rules?Buying best quality while minimizing CO2 can be very affordable!
100% Sustainable
Why sustainable?No to kiln-drying, no to plantation or natural forest wood, no to imports!

Rancho La Casa Firewood
After dozens of years in traditional landscaping and firewood services Jose and Tim founded Rancho La Casa Firewood. They both loved firewood and the moments this beautiful product brings to the entire family. But they wanted to do it differently: innovative, new and without any impact to the environment.
Read their story here: